Beiträge von epra

    Auf Reklamation bei Ab**tt sagte man mir, dass es derzeit vermehrt zu Sensordefekten komme und man hoffe, dass die Technikabteilung das Problem löst. Hat irgendwer ähnliche Infos?

    I had a very similar issues ( frequent disconnections since the beginning, then dead sensor at some point ) with the last two FSL3, i wrote some messages in this thread about it. They were both from LOT T60000892. At this point seems totally unrelated to the app.
    Now wearing a L2 they sent me as replacement, hope that the next L3 ( different LOT ) will work properly.

    I had a similar experience which was not related to android 13 as I run an older version.

    For this, I got the sensor replaced from the vendor.

    RE: Libre3-2-Juggluco

    Peeled off the first one, now the the status info is sometimes =19 sometimes =133, with SEC_CHAR_CH message.

    Peeled off the second one after two days with any sign of activity despite tens of tries/rescan.

    Once removed, the connection was established, It backfilled values and of course gave sensor error.

    So it was still working, maybe the removal triggered something that made it get past the connection bug, maybe it happened by ironic coincidence.
    Something similar could be happened with the first one, as the error message changed after the removal.

    Phone is ok, it has worked flawlessy for months. Also I could use BT for smartwatch and earphone with no issue.

    Is there a way to get more info or a log? Any procedure to try to make it work besides turning BT on/off, rebooting the phone, cleaning Juggluco's Cache, terminating and rescanning the sensor?
    It just stopped to work 1h30m after activation on the L3 app, or an hour or so after being connected to juggluco.

    Peeled off the first one, now the the status info is sometimes =19 sometimes =133, with SEC_CHAR_CH message.

    Und Status=133 Verbindungsfehler bedeutet nicht, dass ein Sensor nicht mehr funktioniert. Es gibt Verbindungsprobleme, die mit einem guten Telefon gelöst werden können.

    Aber Status=133-Verbindungsfehler kommen so oft vor, dass das nicht viel bedeutet. Vielleicht liegt das eigentliche Problem bei etwas anderem.

    Phone is ok, it has worked flawlessy for months. Also I could use BT for smartwatch and earphone with no issue.

    Is there a way to get more info or a log? Any procedure to try to make it work besides turning BT on/off, rebooting the phone, cleaning Juggluco's Cache, terminating and rescanning the sensor?
    It just stopped to work 1h30m after activation on the L3 app, or an hour or so after being connected to juggluco.

    Ok, this is getting weird. Same thing with a new sensor. It stopped after less than 2h from activation.

    Could it be related to the app or it's just a bad lot?

    Tried to move juggluco to another phone with no luck, so it's not related to the device.

    Can you see the sensor transmitting when running a Bluetooth scanner (perhaps on a different phone)? If it's not there it's dead...

    Recommended Android apps: BLE scanner or Lightblue


    They cannot find nothing for the BT address displayed by Juggluco. I guess I have to call customer service and ask for a replacement.
    Do I need to scan it with the official app in order to have some kind of error code?

    L3, no connection since more than an hour, was it expected to happen? ( i heard of some June 21st changes by a****t)

    Tried phone reboot, sensor scan ( no new value ), bluetooth and juggluco cache clean.

    Do I have to come back to the original L3 app or it's just a dead sensor?

    Juggluco v 4.19 ( I started the sensor one week ago with juggluco itself )

    sensor info says status = 133

    And it doesn´t have glucose values of the past. Or isn´t it?

    Right. At the moment there is not a graph. Depending on the model there is a way to implementing a kind of. Very little can be done for mi band 4, as it can display only min/max temp and weather conditions, but band 5 and later ( and probably other watches aswell ) have some fields to play with on the watchface.

    Here it is a test watchface for MiBand5/AmazfitBand5 that could be used with GadgetBridge to display juggluco values every minute without the syncing times of WatchDrip.

    If this work, it could be extended to other huami watches providing the adequate watchface. For band 4 and 6 it should be an easy task to adapt the watchface ( or build a better one, ofc ). As it uses weather values and pics to display blood glucose and trends, this will probably work even for MI Band 7, which lacks the watchdrip support.

    Beware that this method ( still? ) does not have the possibility to set blood-glucose alarms on the watch.…discussioncomment-6022906

    Symbols as ° in the watchface can be easily changed to what you prefer, like a 1x1 px black image in order to show nothing, or some other element that is useful to you like a zero.

    The same applies to the minus or the %.

    I don't think there is a weather parameter which ranges up to 360. The bigger one that I'm aware of is humidity, which goes up to 254, but it may vary from watch to watch.

    This is not a Gadgetbridge nor a Juggluco issue. This is due to limitations in the watch itself. The easiest way to orvercome it is to use digits from different temperatures to compose a number > 127. If there is need to use just one temperature value ( as in the case that other temps are used for something else ) there are few options.

    1 - Set the minus as a 1 in the watchface, so that values from 128 to 199 could be represented by -28 to -99. This limits the range only to 199 though.

    2 - Use the actual value from 40 to 127, then use the closest round number divided by 10 ( eg 13 for 128 and for 18 for 182 ) and tweak the wacthface ( align to the left and add a zero in the background to have the third digit ) . This extends the range to 390 at the cost of a maximum rounding of 5 units in the range 127-390, which sounds acceptable.

    Der reale Wert 152 mg/dl ist rechts in der Wetter-App zu erkennen.

    Dort und im Watchface erscheint aber drei mal 152-256=-104

    Der Wert 256 ist sicher kein Zufall ...

    Irgend eine Kleinigkeit in Gadgetbridge oder Juggluco triggert vermutlich diesen Fehler.

    Thanks for the Gadgetbridge integration, it could be very useful.

    Aside from the three temps, there are a lot of other values that can be used..
    Temps can go from -127 to 127, given an appropriate watchface the minus char can be associated with any image of your choice and thi could be very useful

    Humidity ranges from 0 to 254

    Wind speed ranges from 0 to 12 due to a transalation happening in gadgetbridge, the watch can actually show 0-254 or so.

    Condition are 26, so there is plenty of images to be associated with arrows for trend

    Actually even sunrise and sunset times comes from the weather app, unfortunately for some historical reason GB at the moment takes them otherwise, but AFAIK they're working to update the weather spec integration. Given that they have an hh:mm format, they would be perfect to show last reading time.

    I think it could be useful to find a common agreement on which value is mapped to what and propose it to jka , so that everyone working on a specific wacthface for a specific model would work on a common protocol.

    Kann man wirklich Drittanbieter-Apps auf einer Uhr ausführen, die weniger als 20 Euro kostet?

    Watchdrip does not run any app on the watch itself, it just uploads a new watchface background image with bg values, arrows and a graph every 5 minutes, and uses reminders/calls protocols to manage bg alarms and snooze them.

    With newer versions for zeppOS it sends values and ( implemented but not yet released ) it will be able to use zeppOS drawing apis to plot a graph by the watch itself.

    Pros of not running the app on the watch are a way longer battery life, and to give an affordable option to have bg values on your wrist.
    Cons are that there is no way to have a direct connection with the sensor.

    Haben Sie eine URL der App, die diesen Broadcast ( von xDrip empfängt?

    Wie ist die Einstellung in xDrip und watchdrip?

    The app is this one, as you can see ( point 2: configuration ) as long as you use a version of xdrip from august and later on, those patches have been merged in xdrip broadcast protocol so there is no need of any setting else than activating the broadcast itself.…-xdrip-watch-integration/

    Where do I have to search for the URL?