Beiträge von lostboy86

    Meine Erfahrung mit der Hotline ist, dass die nicht so begeistert sind, wenn man gleich den Sensor wieder entfernt. Ich muss mir dann immer anhören, dass es schon mal etwas dauern kann und man warten soll/muss... Da ich den Sensor abends setze und das mit dem Warten vor dem Bett gehen schwer möglich ist, wurde ich nur gebeten, den Sensor früher oder gar morgens zu setzen...

    Why don't use the online form for replace sensor, on the Abbott website?

    I never use the hotline, i compile the form, select "sensor fall" and with this option, you have your sensor after 5 days at home.

    What sensor? l3 or l2?

    The Watch is the master?

    I can help you

    Sorry, when juggluco phone autocreate mirror on phone Is passive and nsb, on wear Is Active and r.

    When i select Phone -Wear-,Direct connection, on phone auto mirror Its Passive and RB, on wear its RNB.

    Then i set R for Phone, NSB on wear, manually, Is correct?

    jka i confirm the little bug in the previous post.

    When the user press on Phone-Wear-Direct Connection, Juggluco Wear and Phone try to auto-invert the mirror correctly (Phone R, Wear NSB) but not uncheck the previous option (Phone NSB, Wear R), and the final result its Phone RB, Wear RNSB.

    The WearOS watch - phone connection is specific for the connection between the watch and the companion phone (the phone to which the watch is connected via the Android WearOS - or Galaxy Wearable app). It is assumed that you always have your phone with you and that other connections are made with the phone. The watch uses less battery power this way, and it also works when WIFI of the watch is turned off. Only in special circumstances should you make the connection between watch and another device directly.

    The WearOS watch - phone connection is specific for the connection between the watch and the companion phone (the phone to which the watch is connected via the Android WearOS - or Galaxy Wearable app). It is assumed that you always have your phone with you and that other connections are made with the phone. The watch uses less battery power this way, and it also works when WIFI of the watch is turned off. Only in special circumstances should you make the connection between watch and another device directl

    Hi, i delete the mirror connection on wear and phone
    I select sensor to BLE on phone, scan nfc, i have the value
    THEN i check SEttings--Wear--Init app

    On phone and wear appear a new mirror, on wear there is a value
    Then i check, on Phone, Settings--Wear--Direct Connection
    On phone, sensor to ble checkflag is disable
    On Wear, sensor to ble checkflag is enable and show the value

    NOW, i must invert the mirror

    MAYBE i find a bug : if i check the mirror at now, previous invert direction, on Wear i have Active, BR
    On phone i have Passive, NSBR

    Then i manually invert direction :

    On wear i have Active, NSB
    On Phone i have Passiva, R

    Just an hint, JKA, for check the autoconnection setup, maybe there is a little bug (if i undestand correctly, PREVIOUS invert direction, Phone must be Active - NSB and Wear must be Passive - R)

    Then after checkflag on Phone Settings--Wear--Direct Connection, must be automatically :

    On wear i have Active, NSB (NOT NSBR)

    On Phone i have Passiva, R (NOT BR)

    Another question : with this new autoconnection, i can not use anymore outside my home, a tethering connection on phone, for take a value from wear to phone? It works also in offline mode, when i'm without any type of signal on mountain?

    Thanks a lot for the improve!

    La connessione tra telefono e orologio non deve essere impostata manualmente. La connessione automatica è diversa dalla connessione manuale: determina l'IP dell'altro lato e utilizza il Bluetooth quando il WIFI non è disponibile. Rimuovi la vecchia connessione nell'orologio e nel telefono e usa il menu sinistro->Watch->WearOS config->"Init watch app" per consentire a Juggluco di creare la connessione.Poh

    I try also this from many version, but when i'm outside on mountain and there is no signal, or when i return to home and change wifi, no value.

    If i insert the ip of wear and phone manually, all works.

    Same with my radiocar android, it not sync automatically, if i'm not put manually the ip send on phone, and the recept label on radio car.

    jka Just a question, Juggluco phone and wear, under mirror, work also with MAC address, instead IP?

    Because sometimes, when turn on tethering on mountain, sometimes the ip or smartphone and wear change at the next connection

    I also have on mirror add 2 or 3 ip for same mirror, but if change to other ip, not work and i must updated or added the new ip for mirror section on phone and wear.

    With Mac Address, the problem is solving for future change of ip of wear and smartphone, or for smartphone and other mirror (for example, android radio with juggluco installed)

    Thanks for clarify

    Bei meinem MiBand 6 geht es extrem auf die Akku Laufzeit, nach zwei Tagen ist Schluss wenn er minütlich die Werte über Watchdrip bekommt. Wäre hilfreich, wenn man die Aktualisierungsrate einstellen könnte. Das mit Gadgetbridge ist schon OK, aber mir fehlt da die Verlaufskurve, deshalb ist mir die Lösung mit Watchdrip lieber.

    how long does the battery last with miband 6 + Gadgetbridge + Juggluco? Thanks

    The bug is that the Novopen works. You have set Left middle menu->Mirror->"Amounts received from mirror", so scanning with the pen should be impossible. I will change this.

    In the end of mirror section screen, i have checked "Not modify values".

    Is this the problem?

    EDIT : thanks for the suggest, is THIS option to cause all.
    Great for assistance, now i can edit all for novopen!

    In the wear app, i must be checked "Alarm is alarm" options?
    I have this new voice

    Ah ok, i simply backup with the first command line, then if i install a new version from new phone, with the second command line i restore all my settings.

    Also, i have one bug for many many version ago, i also try for this, to delete juggluco, reinstall new version of 4.16.4.

    This is the situation :
    install new version , no config, no sensor scanned, all juggluco menu is ok, and all labels can be delete or create.

    Then i scan sensor, config mirror, and in the second menu of Juggluco, i have Export, Mirror, a space empty, List, Statistics.
    Also, with this bug, the buttons new, delete for the labels, all gone.

    Novopen echo plus works correctly and upload to libreview, but i can't change the text of labels, or create a new label, for missing OK , NEW, DELETE button.

    Sorry for misunderstanding, i mean the import/export settings button for Juggluco smartphone app.

    To backup all settings if reinstall app, migrate, etc. , expecially mirror settings.


    The files nums0, devicenr, librenumsdeleted must be open with exadecimal heditor?

    On the computer while connected to the old watch:

    adb shell run-as tk.glucodata tar -cf - ./files > all.tar
    On the computer while connected to the new watch:

    cat all.tar |adb shell run-as tk.glucodata tar -xf -
    The last will generate some error messages, but that is no problem.

    Sorry for misunderstanding, i mean the import/export settings button for Juggluco smartphone app.

    To backup all settings if reinstall app, migrate, etc. , expecially mirror settings.


    Hi jka , is possible to create an import/export button for the mirror and settings of juggluco, to backup all config from many mirror, setting of alarm, etc? Like the save/import settings on xdrip.

    From when i buy the watch5 40mm, all my damn buggest problem with old wearOS is gone.

    Thanks for the hard work

    1. Ist es möglich die Alarme so einzustellen, dass sie nicht automatisch für x Minuten ausbleiben, wenn die vorgegebene Anzahl an Sekunden für den Alarm abgelaufen ist? Ich habe mein Telefon oft in Reichweite des Sensors liegen, aber nicht direkt bei mir. So kann es vorkommen, dass ich einen Alarm mal verpasse und dann eben für die nächsten x Minuten auch keinen erhalte. Auch nachts werde ich manchmal von Alarmen schlecht wach - da fände ich es git, wenn bspw. alle 5min (am besten variabel/optional) ein neuer Alarm kommt, bis ich tatsächlich aktiv bestätige.

    Same problem for me too.

    For example, if the low alarm sounds once, if I don't hear it, it doesn't always sound continuously until I dismiss the notification, but it only sounds after the minutes set as a delay for that type of alarm.

    xDrip for example sounds every minute, until you touch and dismiss the notification, choose Snooze, and only then the alarm is delayed or canceled for the minutes of delay set for that type of alarm

    Apart of that, great work and great improved for the many of functions you added on this awesome app.

    Hi Jka, another questions :

    if i have a smartphone 1 with juggluco and sensor over ble, and send data mirror on smarphone 2 with juggluco over wifi, and all work.

    THEN, on the smartphone 2, i have a WearOS connected over ble, Juggluco can send the data connection sensor, for take control sensor on Watch?

    For example, i have jelly2 , activated sensor with juggluco, read all ok, send data to Oppo Find X2 Pro.

    Find X2 Pro mirrored ok, then can send the data to Samsung Watch 4 paired with Find x2 Pro and the watch take the control of sensor?

    Thanks a lot for your hard work

    Hi JKA, i'm buy Samsuns Watch4 Classic, and now i can say all problem for me is resolved at now.

    Juggluco WearOSS connect directly to sensor, stable, no problem for reconnect ; it sends data to Jelly2 smartphone, and the smartphone send online to libreview, to xdrip and m5stack, to my primary phone Oppo Find X2 Pro with juggluco mirrored and garmin and kerfstock, and all seems work very stable also on mountain, with tethering enable from my Oppo primary phone.

    For all others things, all work good, i can say great work and now i'm resolved all my damn problem.

    I try to swap like this : on day i have Samsung Watch, at night i have turn off the watch and have only Jelly2 smartphone connect to sensor.

    Great work!

    Sometimes it crash and i have tested on two phones very different.

    Or i must stop and restart for reconnect.

    At now, unfortunately after 2nd sensor stop, i installed latest version of l3patched app 40, then juggluco 4.8.3, no crash or other problems (for wearos i not used juggluco anymore and use glucodatahandler, very fast and no config) but i can't send the value from l3app patched to juggluco (i setup everything like previous guide but nothing, try restart, stop, close app, restart phone etcc). The good new is the problem with connected apps section is solved for me, with version 40 of patched app

    No critics to Juggluco.

    I explain more :

    On libre app pathed or original, data of l3 sends over internet to libreview site.
    Then, on a follower phone, you can install app LibreLinkUp, login, and you can receive the data every minutes.

    I have juggluco on multitasking open, but not active on screen, and phone off (i control notify from juggluco or xdrip from wearable), maybe in my case this setup was because Juggluco sends data on libreview.

    Thanks for clarify Jka