Miband 6 mit Xdrip und Watchdrip

  • i think if there is an difference between l3 app and xdrip, you have to check your calibration settings. xdrip has a lot of calibration models. usually the value of l3 and xdrip have to be equal. it not depends on synchronisation time (1min or 5min). maybe you should post a screenshot of your xdrip here, including raw data points.

    Yes Mi Band 6 synchronizes every minute. the screen of the mi band activates if the notification arrives. i don´t like this, but i don´t know how to deactivate.

    but i see during my 60min test, the power consumption of xdrip and watchdrip of the smartphone grows to nearly +50%, compared to 5min interval.

    my english is not so good, i hope you understand.

  • Just for clarify :

    - only xdrip latest nightly support libre 3, only because implement the 1 minute readings
    - before that nightly, xdrip for everyone had libre3 was totally not usable for the wrong value (everybody go to juggluco solution or freethree)
    - xdrip show wrong value for two problems : 5minutes instead 1minutes (solved into the latest nightly, see this Libre one minute testing · Issue #2680 · NightscoutFoundation/xDrip · GitHub) and smoothing alghoritm (not solved, you can disable but the value is not the same of juggluco/libre 3 app)

    After this nightly, i see xdrip can also reading and upload 1 minutes value to Nightscout, every 1 minutes, no problem.

    My question was if the latest nightly (url reference above) send 1 minutes value and update miband 6 every 1 minutes (i can't know if also watchdrip can be updated for display 1 minutes value like the latest xdrip nightly)

    Hope i clear my question, and thank you very much for your help!

  • well i used xdrip and libre 2 sensor for about 2.5 years now. i don´t agree with you. 5min is still okay, especially dexcom uses also 5min. i don´t know about nightscout, i don´t use this.

    in watchdrip you can´t change update time. or better, you can change it during the night, while you are sleeping. values greater 5min, for less power consumption of the mi band.

    see here my post answered your questions already :)

  • Yes for l2 Is ok 5 Min, for l3 Is great during BG fast fall 1 Min updates. Thanks for the clarifg, i try to buy miband 6 and see if shows value same juggluco.

    Thanks a lot and goog morning

  • I try today with a new miband 6 nfc, all works but every one minutes entire watchfaces from watchdrip uploaded to miband with libre3, juggluco, xdrip latest nightly one-minutes ready build, and WatchDrip version 0.13

    Every 60 seconds on miband you must wait 10-20 seconds and you had the value updated.
    In this mode is not more comfortable, instead wearOS can update only the value of blood glucose unfortuntately.

  • it is the way watchdrip works. everything ist uploaded to the mi band each time.

    but my mi band 6 doesn´t have the 20s break. the synchronizing arrows are shown for about 3s, and then the resulting watchface is shown.

    by the way, the latest watchdrip is 0.22 isn´t it?

  • I found the problem.

    For my trekking safe etc, i don't want to waste battery for this shit of sensors.

    Then, i buy an Jelly2 miniphone android 11, it works great, battery two days with juggluco, xdrip, wearos juggluco one minutes , BUT it required around 20-40 sec to upload watchfaces to a MiBand with watchdrip+, and because of libre3 one minutes value, it happens every 60 seconds : this cause an big amount of drain with miband and Jelly2 phone.

    If i install on my primary phone Oppo Find X2 Pro juggluco mirroring, xdrip data from juggluco, watchdrip+ data from xdrip and send the watchfaces to MiBand, it works very well, just 2-4 seconds and no drain battery on MiBand.

    BUT lol i'm, buy the secondary phone in my bag, controlled by wearos device, for NOT have drain battery on trekking safe phone.

    I'm very sad, but i found the problem and i not have a solution at now.

    THanks at all and sorry for disturb everybody

  • Lol if you wanna laugh....I flash stock android 10 rom on jelly2, then yaosp android 13 and the phone work amazing. Miband watcfaces loading just 1 second.

    BUT....:D....there is no modded l3app for juggluco for work to a13.

    Then, i try to take control of sensor with only juggluco, direct over ble, and nothing, it scans, add data expiration to calendar, no value.

    Then, try to take control of sensor with latest modded app, scan sensor, wait, and nothing., only "Signal Lost"

    I think for suicide this evening

  • lostboy86

    you can start a new sensor only with newest Juggluco Version 4.7.7. With older versions you need to start the sensor with original Libre 3 app (works under Android 13, but has on some phones connection interupts, what doesnt matter for starting). After the starting break of one hour force kill the Libre App, start Juggluco (with setting sensor via Bluetooth) and scan the sensor. So the sensor connection changes from Libre app to Juggluco.

    BTW you can change connection of a running, already started sensor only, if it was started with internet connection to Libre View and the same account is used in new installed Libre app or in Juggluco (get Libre View ID). Otherwise the sensor is blocked without authentifikation.

    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Kappa ()

  • Yes i have activated with l3 app patched app, then take control with juggluco.

    For me, if i go far and return back to smartphone, app l3 can reconnect very fast, juggluco not.

    This is the thing for because i use the l3 app modded.

    The situation of this sensor was like this post of JKA : RE: Libre3-2-Juggluco

    BUT my biggest problem was L3app and Juggluco sends to Libreview, then i have an yellow warning on the section Connected Apps on L3app modded, and it doesnt work anymore, i'm desperate.

    At now i have l3 app modded connect to a new sensor, share data with juggluco and juggluco upload to libreview data for my doctor.

    I can't takeover the yellow warning symbol on the Connected Apps section of l3 modded app, and it can't send value to Libreview, if i deactivate the option on Juggluco

  • Hallo, Ihr Lieben - nachdem ihr mir im Frühjahr so gut und erfolgreich beim Einrichten meines Mi Band6 (damals mit Libre3) geholfen hattet, stehe ich nun vor dem gleichen Problem in GRÜN. D.h. ich habe seit kurzem die Omnipod5 Pumpe zusammen mit dem Dexcom G6 (läuft alles prima!) und nun habe ich ja noch mein geliebtes Mi Band6 "übrig". Mal schnell auf die Uhr schauen - daran kann man sich gewöhnen!

    Aber wie installiere ich das Ganze wieder ohne Schaden an meinem Erfolgsteam Pumpe+G6 zu verursachen? Ihr wisst vielleicht noch, dass ich diesbezüglich vollkommen "blind" bin. Die erfolgreiche Instalation im Frühjahr verwundert mich immer noch.

    Geht das theoretisch überhaupt, noch ein zusätzliches Teil zu koppeln?

    Wenn ja, könnt ihr mir vielleicht eine idiotensichere Anleitung dafür geben. Die grundlegenden Sachen für das Mi-Band (ich meine die Ermittlung des Authetifizierungscods) sind ja zum Glück noch vorhanden.

    LG an alle, die ausser Diabetes auch noch viel technischen Verstand haben!

    (und PS: ich bin wirklich nicht blond :foehn)